FIFA Club World Cup 2025
The FIFA Club World Cup is set to take place in the United States from Sunday, June 15, to Sunday, July 13, 2025.
Thirty-two club teams from six different continents will be organized into eight groups, each consisting of four teams.
The total prize pool is approximately $3.1 billion, with an initial $2.5 billion being allocated among the 32 teams that have qualified for the tournament. Each team is assured a minimum of $63 million, and the tournament champion will receive $125 million.

All you need to know about the FIFA Club World Cup

Soccer Players for Math (SPFM) is an initiative led by student soccer players in Prince George's County, Maryland, aimed at tackling the low math scores on the statewide standardized test, the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program, commonly referred to as the MCAP.
Math Proficiency - By County
SPFM 45.3% Montgomery 33.4% Statewide 24.3% Prince George's 10.8%
Math Proficiency - Prince George's
Level Elementary Middle
Grade 3rd - 5th 6th -8th Total
County 15.8% 7.8% 11.6%
African American 17.2% 7.7% 12.5%
Spanish 10.4% 4.4% 7.5%
Prince George's County and Montgomery County MCAP Test Scores

Market Soccer Players for Math' (SPFM) t-shirts to the worldwide soccer community to support our Math Assessment initiative.

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